Recovery Study
How to enroll:
To enroll, please complete our enrollment eligibility survey:
The recovery study is designed to better understand the ways in which individuals recover from alcohol use disorders, as well as what the word recovery means in the context of alcohol use disorder. Participants will then receive 12 weeks of treatment provided by the psychological services center, complete biweekly phone follow-ups after treatment cessation, and attend follow-up sessions at different time points over the next few of years. We will be tracking these individuals and trying to collect data on those that continue to seek treatment or maintain sobriety for the duration of this study.
As a part of this study, you will receive:
$955-$1,455 in compensation.
12 weeks FREE of therapy.
Where will the therapy sessions occur?
The therapy sessions will occur at the USF Psychological Services Center, located at 3711 USF Citrus Drive, Tampa, FL 33620.What is the time commitment?
The time commitment is 12 weeks of therapy, with 1 session per week. Each session will last approximately 1 hour. After this, you will have to attend 90 minute appointments every 3-6 months for up to 54 months.
Project/Grant Information:
For more information, please visit the NIH page on this study: 1R01AA030005-01A1